Downtown Partner Sponsorship Opportunity image

Downtown Partner Sponsorship Opportunity

$0 raised

$100,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The Downtown Partnership Sponsorship opportunity is new for 2023.
This $20,000 sponsorship level includes a partnership with the organization for the entire year, as well as sponsorship at each of the events we host in 2023.
Your business will be featured on the homepage of our website, quarterly social media video, recognition in our annual report and at our first annual fundraising event in October.
Your business logo and link will appear on each of the event webpages and you will receive sponsor benefits for each of the events.
This partnership also offers volunteer opportunities for your staff and team building.
Main Street Waterloo will work with the business(es) who select the new Downtown Partner opportunity to provide benefits that best fit your marketing needs.
To learn more about the Downtown Partnership please email